To get involved with the Menlo Day of Service, you can volunteer alongside our team, donate funds or material goods, or both!
Menlo Group volunteers with House of Refuge each year. In 2022, we landscaped and prepped houses to be repainted. In 2023, we completed a variety of projects to beautify their facilities. This year our project is yet to be determined. If you'd like to volunteer with our team, please sign up below. We look forward to serving with you!
House of Refuge accepts monetary and in-kind donations. Items needed include toilet paper, diapers & wipes, canned food, cleaning supplies and deodorant. Please donate funds at the link below, listing Menlo Group as the company name. The donation center (6858 E Ursula Ave, Mesa, AZ 85212) is open Monday - Friday from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM and Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.